Let's learn how failure H.E.L.P.S you in the long run!

February 19, 2019

When you are taking the steps to achieve what you desire in your life, how do you feel when you are successful? Most likely you are happy or pleased that you moved one step closer towards what you desire in your life. Here is the flip side of that coin.

How do you feel when you have a setback or failure? Are you feeling down, depressed or frustrated with the process?

You don’t need to be once you begin to realize that success and failure are both beneficial for you in the long run. There are lessons to be learned from what didn’t work so well and looking at them in a different way is the key to sustaining the momentum that may grind to a halt during the setbacks.

So, let's learn how failure H.E.L.P.S you in the long run!


Yes, having a setback may be mentally or physically demoralizing but how are you looking at the bigger picture? Did the setback absolutely destroy you or kill you? Probably not since you are reading this article!

A dose of failure is essential to your growth because it stimulates your humility.

Humility reminds you that there are people far worse off than you, despite how big your failure feels to you.

Humility shows you that everything won’t be perfect and go your way all the time, so you learn to accept the lessons in failure.

Humility allows you to swallow your pride, accept your mistakes and gain the vision for doing it better next time.


Appreciate how far you have come. You may not have the results that you desire but when things don’t go your way, appreciate how far you have come. When you fail, your evolution comes in the form of gratitude.

Those who are grateful evolve because understand that their failure does not define them. They appreciate the success achieved in the past and are grateful for having the opportunity to take the next step forward.


There is always a lesson in the failure: You learn what not to do.

Think of the wins as a small step forward, not back. Get into the mindset that you are never really taking a step back. You are always moving forward, either with small steps or big leaps. Every result, good or bad, is an opportunity to learn and grow.


Let’s face it, there are peaks in valleys in life. Getting thru to lows reveals your inner strength, making you more resilient going forward. The key is to strive to maximize your time in the highs and minimize the time you experience the lows. Building that mental mindset that this is just a temporary setback will provide you with the clarity and courage to move forward even faster.


By being selective, you quickly learn what works and what doesn’t. Think about the 80/20 rule. You will get 80% of your results from 20% of your efforts. Learn to avoid repeating mistakes and focus on the little things that work in your favor.

It’s not about working harder, it’s about working smarter.

By having a mindset of success now, you develop the habit that anything that you do is successful. Failure is not what it seems.

You may not have the outcome that you desired with your actions however you are successful just for taking the action in the first place. Do you know how many people want to go for their dreams but don’t take the first step? The fact that you took an action is a success so appreciate your efforts now.

Success is not the end result. Success is in the journey towards it.

Begin the process of looking at failure in a different way. As you move forward with your dreams, goals, and aspirations, know the bumps along the journey are there to help you in powerful ways!

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